Discover Target Accounts
Find your target accounts by standard criteria like size, industry and region as well as highly complex criteria like number of sales people.
If self-service filtering from databases of millions of records serves your need, then Ready is not for you. If you care about crafting your campaign database with the same care as your campaign itself, then Ready is for you.
We strive to make sales & marketing data dead easy for you - simply share your audience spec & get data delivered.
Find your target accounts by standard criteria like size, industry and region as well as highly complex criteria like number of sales people.
Find ideal prospects based on technology and applications they use so you can personalize your outbound pitches based on competitive.
Find specific decision maker contacts based on their roles to improve your targeting and response rates. Discover contacts who own sales.
Create unparalleled ABM data and intelligence for all your target accounts so you sales and marketing teams are collectively focused.
Create a comprehensive prospect database for a new region or country where you are starting or empower regional sales teams.
Create highly targeted curated audiences to market your webinars, user group meetings and conferences to bring.
Help your sales development teams with actionable contact and account insights so they spend more time “contacting” than “researching”.
Stop loosing money on low quality content syndication leads and create highly targeted audiences for your specific content to reach via email.
Every campaign needs a curated audience and with Ready, you can leverage our software & human-research platform.
Leaders at large as well as small companies rely on Ready to build specialized databases for their sales & marketing campaigns.
Get a customized dataset for your next campaign from Ready and save yourself from expensive annual subscriptions :)
"After piloting various data vendors, it was easy to see that ReadyContacts is a cut above."