To be viewed by our customers as the preeminent provider of risk management service by offering contemporary and effective products and services; which reduces our customers cost of loss. This will contribute to enhancing the profits of our clients. Creating a risk management service company that sells value over price will contribute towards increasing the profits of the ACE Group of Companies. Organized in 1953 and part of ACE USA; ESIS provides a full range of sophisticated risk management services to organizations that self insure property and; casualty exposures or that purchase insurance services independently. If you'd like to know more about ESIS services that can reduce your loss costs; call your broker or one of the ESIS offices listed in the 'Contact Us' section. We build a team for every account and we start by putting you at the head of that team. Then we assemble our specialists:local claim and loss control professionals; on-site to make it their business to know your account; your plants; your practices and policies inside and out; and loss cost reduction consultants who can help create loss cost management plans. Working together; the team uses all of ESIS' resources to put your loss cost reduction plan into action.
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