Quad/Graphics, Inc.

N63 W23075 State Hwy. 74,
Sussex, WI, 53089-2827,


How to reach Quad/Graphics, Inc.



In today's new world of multichannel communication; the role of print is changing. Today's advanced ink-on-paper technologies are igniting a marketing revolution that parallels what's been taking place with electronic channels; especially the Internet. In this new age; Quad/Graphics is leading the way by offering clients the resources and know-how to develop more profitable relationships with their customers. More than just a printer; we provide turnkey services ranging from front-end design and photography through digital imaging; printing; finishing; mailing/distribution and data-driven marketing solutions such as data optimization and analytics. Our data and strategy services help our clients connect with their customers by managing the information needed to send specific content to individual customers. Then we measure the results and use what we learn to fine-tune the strategy. Whether the goal is to generate orders; gain readers or sell ad space; our spectrum of premedia servicesfrom brand strategy to art direction; writing; photography and imaging servicescan perfect our client's message and ensure an easier; successful solution. By continually investing in the industry's most modern base of equipment; we have unmatched printing firepowerincluding web offset; gravure and high-speed digital pressesto create whatever type of output you need; making it possible to produce a single targeted piece or print more than a million personalized pieces. Our advanced finishing capabilities make possible creative customization and personalization to lift response rates; increase reader relevancy and boost our clients' revenues. To significantly reduce our clients' postal costs; we offer a variety of solutions. For example; our co-mail solutions combine different magazines catalogs or direct mail pieces and presort them into a single mailstream. And as a leader in drop shipping and transportation services; we can deliver deep into the postal system and offer time and cost efficiencies that others can't match.

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