Virgin Media Inc.

909 Third Ave Suite 2863,
New York, NY, 10022,

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VirginMedia is the first in UK to bring out a bouquet of flowersTV; Phone; Mobile as well as Broadbandall tied down to one address. New seeds are about to sprout in the world of entertainment and communication. VirginMedia is just waiting to collect and put them in the digital vase right next to the armchair of the customer. The world is crowding in at one point and VirginMedia are the pioneers plucking; picking and tying the knots at one point of meeting. The combination consists of TV with the customer in the drivers seat; superfast and dependable broadband; phone packages that meet specific individual needs and mobile services in tune with personal requirements. Virgin Mobile customers who have enjoyed this streamlined service for years are well aware that there is experience and integrity backing the bouquet offer of VirginMedia. It is not just mere talk and bombast. At the heart of the enterprise is responsibility towards corporate and social interests. The impact of any action on the environment and community gets top priority. With one foot firmly entrenched in the social and environmental ground reality the other foot of VirginMedia pushes forward to explore the world of new entertainment and communication zones that can be brought to knock at the doors of the British public. The enterprise aims to be not just all excitement and vibrating fun but simple and easy to operate. VirginMedia helps them by helping the public.

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