ReadyContacts is the best alternative to in terms of data, coverage, quality and a lot more.
We build every dataset fresh - so we identify target companies based on your specs (geo, installs, size & other customizable factors) and discover contacts based on your exact titles. We have built software to do this with speed & accuracy and layer in a curation process to ensure aligned with the spec. This ensures that the dataset delivered is fresh, accuracy and fully aligned to your exact needs.
We DO NOT aggregate data across other providers and simply query and deliver. This does not work. First, the data gathered from other large databases is inherently inaccurate. Second, large databases rarely have companies identified by the criterion you may need like companies using Salesforce or retailers in US with 20+ location and so on, which our process can deliver with easy. Lastly, the contacts you may need may not exist in a large subscription database and that severely limits your ability to target. With ReadyContacts, you can fine tune the contacts based on titles and title keywords.