South Africa Companies Database

We actively track and manage the most comprehensive database of prospecting-worthy companies in South Africa. We discover relevant company data and triggers to make sure you identify every target account in South Africa for your sales & marketing requirements. Request a full download of our actionable database of companies in South Africa or smaller customized segment.

Last Updated:
15,024 Companies
48,234 Contacts
  • Company
  • Website
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Industry
  • Employees

"After piloting various data vendors, it was easy to see that ReadyContacts is a cut above."

Anna Jensen
Anna Jensen Director of Marketing, DigitalShadows


  • salesforce
  • gartner
  • ca technologies
  • equifax
  • IBM
  • zuora
Company Phone Industry Size
Quest 27-118233213 Human Resources 10K - 50K
ABSA Africa 27-113504000 Financial Services 1K - 10K
Capitec Bank 27-219411377 Banking 10K - 50K
Motus 27-104934335 Automotive 10K - 50K
Goldfields 27-115629700 Mining & Metals 1K - 10K
Naspers 27-214062121 Internet 1K - 10K
Adcorp Group 27-108000000 Human Resources 1K - 10K

Look Inside: South Africa Companies Database

We cover all companies in South Africa and segment them by geo, industry and company sizes so you can create customized slices as needed.

Verified Stamp Request a customized sample for this criterion

South Africa Companies by Industry Verticals

South Africa Companies by Employees Ranges

South Africa Companies by States & Major Cities

Here’s why our data is better

We put freshness & accuracy ahead of everything here at ReadyContacts and it shows in our data that is software-powered & human-curated.

  • Freshness Our data is always freshly validated prior to delivery.
  • Accuracy Our multi-step software & human review process ensures the highest accuracy.
  • Targeting We are able to find highly specific target audiences for your needs.
  • Comprehensive We find every prospect out there for your campaign specification.
  • Intelligence Our datasets come backed with detailed & actionable intelligence.
  • Guarantee We promise 90% accuracy across all datasets & stand by it.

How to get a list of companies in South Africa with contact details


Share your spec & request a sample

Submit your exact specifications for a dataset based on your sales & marketing campaign needs.

Get a personalized sample & counts

Ready created a freshly validated sample datasets with companies & contacts matched to your customized specification.

Finalize specs & purchase dataset

Once you review the sample, you can request any tweaks to the data specification and choose to purchase the full or partial set of records.


What Is The Ready Account Based List?

An account-based list is a collection of target accounts which will be most receptive of the products or services your business has to offer. By directly targeting these accounts, your business will be able to market to them more effectively. The Ready account-based lists can let you drill down by various parameters from a broad list of companies to choose exactly those accounts you would like to sell to.

How Is It Growing?

Ready provides a wide-ranging list of South Africa companies which actively tracks and discovers new businesses based on relevant company data and triggers. It adds this data to its all-inclusive South Africa companies list to find relevant companies. By using Ready’s South Africa companies database, customers can directly target their identified accounts.

Why Is It Important?

Account-based lists make it easy to target and market to your identified audiences and shorten the sales cycle. These lists help you to align your strategic marketing initiatives with sales and account management teams. You can maximize the value and return on investment on your marketing campaigns.

Why Is This List Important For Targeted Sales/Marketing?

Ready’s list of top private South Africa companies allows you to incorporate ABM into your B2B marketing strategy. While a typical marketing strategy is for the masses, these lists let sales and marketing teams specifically use coordinated and high-touch sales tactics, freeing up resources for other use.

How To Get This List Via Ready?

Ready’s South Africa business email list has more than 15K+ companies and 48K+ contacts and is constantly growing. Ready consistently discovers relevant company data and triggers to make sure you identify every account in our South Africa companies list for your sales and marketing requirements. It provides actionable datasets like company name, phone numbers, email IDs, and much more to target both online and offline campaigns. Account-based marketing seeks to kick-off the sales process with higher-value opportunities earlier in the sales cycle. The Ready South Africa companies list allows your business to get the highest ROI possible from marketing campaigns, as well as align marketing, sales, and account management for longer-term success.

How To Get Started With A Free Sample?

Ready’s list of South Africa companies currently has more than 15K+ companies and 30K+ contacts and is constantly expanding. Ready’s South Africa companies list provides actionable datasets like company name, phone numbers, email IDs, and much more to target both online and offline campaigns. Download the South Africa companies database here, and get the list of top private South African companies to target.