Illumina DNA Sequencing Customer List

Do you sell to companies who use Illumina DNA Sequencing? Do you have a product that works with Illumina DNA Sequencing? Do you offer Illumina DNA Sequencing consulting and implementation services? If you do, then you’ll love our actively-managed database of Illumina DNA Sequencing users.

636+ Companies
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Anna Jensen
Anna Jensen Director of Marketing, DigitalShadows


ca technologies

Sample Records of the Companies that use Illumina DNA Sequencing :

Company Name Industry Country Company Size
23andMe Personal Genomics USA 1.2k to 12k
Ancestry Genealogy USA 1.3k to 13k
Color Genomics Genetic Testing USA 0.5k to 5k
Veritas Genetics Genomics USA 0.1k to 1k
Nebula Genomics Genetic Testing USA 0.5k to 5k
Clear Genetics Genetic Testing UK 0.2k to 2k
QuantuMDx Medical Devices UK 0.2k to 2k
Genomics England Genomics UK 0.5k to 5k
Macrogen Genetic Testing South Korea 1k to 10k
BGI Genomics Genomics China 10k to 50k
MedGenome Genomics India 1k to 10k
Strand Life Sciences Genomics India 1k to 10k
Garvan Institute Medical Research Australia 1k to 10k

Get a targeted slice of Illumina DNA Sequencing customers for your campaigns

How do we build this data

At Ready, we use state-of-the-art software and context-driven human research to identify and track companies using Illumina DNA Sequencing across global markets. We use a multi-step process to validate and weed out false positives and refresh our data every 90 days.

How to customize this data for your needs:

You can requested a customized slice of our full Illumina DNA Sequencing customers database by sharing filters for geography, industry, size and other specific needs you may have. We also identify specific decision makers based on titles & roles.

Here’s why our data is better

We put freshness & accuracy ahead of everything here at ReadyContacts and it shows in our data that is software-powered & human-curated.

  • Freshness Our data is always freshly validated prior to delivery.
  • Accuracy Our multi-step software & human review process ensures the highest accuracy.
  • Targeting We are able to find highly specific target audiences for your needs.
  • Comprehensive We find every prospect out there for your campaign specification.
  • Intelligence Our datasets come backed with detailed & actionable intelligence.
  • Guarantee We promise 90% accuracy across all datasets & stand by it.

Illumina DNA Sequencing Customers Coverage

We track Illumina DNA Sequencing customer insights globally and across verticals. Here’s a quick snapshot of the coverage we have for list of companies who use Illumina DNA Sequencing and where they belong.

Request a sample of Illumina DNA Sequencing Customers for these regions:

Illumina DNA Sequencing customers by Countries

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How to get a list of Illumina DNA Sequencing customers from Ready


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Ready creates a freshly validated sample dataset of Illumina DNA Sequencing customers with contacts & shares the overall counts for your specification.

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Once you review the sample, you can finalize any tweaks to the Illumina DNA Sequencing customers data specifications & purchase the full set of records or a part of them.

Illumina DNA Sequencing Customers List: FAQs

What is Illumina DNA sequencing?

Illumina DNA sequencing is a method for determining the order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule. It works by synthetically generating millions of strands of DNA and identifying the order of bases on each strand. This allows researchers to reconstruct the original DNA sequence and identify variations or mutations. Illumina uses a sequencing-by-synthesis approach and proprietary reagents to achieve massively parallel sequencing.

How many customers does Illumina DNA sequencing have?

Illumina is one of the leading providers of DNA sequencing technology globally. Though they don't disclose exact customer numbers, estimates suggest they have tens of thousands of customers in over 100 countries. These include research institutions, hospitals, biotechnology companies, government agencies, and more. Their technology has been cited in over 100,000 scientific publications to date.

Who uses Illumina DNA sequencing?

Illumina DNA sequencing is used by a diverse range of organizations and industries. Researchers in fields like genomics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics use it to study genetics, identify disease-causing mutations, and more. Healthcare providers use it for genomic profiling of tumors or infections. Government agencies use it for forensic identification and disease surveillance. Biotech companies use it for drug discovery and agricultural research.

Which companies use Illumina DNA sequencing?

Many leading biotechnology, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and research companies use Illumina sequencing systems and reagents. These include companies like 23andMe, Thermo Fisher Scientific, WuXi NextCODE, Macrogen, BGI Genomics, Genewiz, Verogen, Novogene, Personalis, Natera, Guardant Health, and more. Illuminasequencing also underpins consumer genomics companies like Ancestry and 23andMe.

What industries is Illumina DNA sequencing most popular in?

Illumina DNA sequencing sees widespread use, but is especially popular in healthcare and life sciences research. Researchers value its accuracy and scalability. It's integral to work in genomics, oncology, infectious disease, reproductive health, forensics, and more. Agribusiness also relies on it for plant and animal research. Consumer genomics companies have helped make it more mainstream.

What are some popular alternatives to Illumina sequencing?

Some alternatives to Illumina that are used for DNA sequencing include technologies from Oxford Nanopore, PacBio, Thermo Fisher's Ion Torrent, BGI Genomics's MGI platforms, and more. These can provide longer read lengths or lower costs, but may sacrifice accuracy or throughput. Hybrid approaches combine Illumina's accuracy with long reads. emerging technologies like nanopore may complement Illumina.

What can be expected from Ready's Illumina DNA sequencing client list?

Ready's Illumina client list provides verified contacts at organizations using Illumina sequencing to power research and development. Customers span healthcare, life sciences, biotech, government, consumer genomics, and more. The list includes decision-makers in R&D, lab management, genomics, bioinformatics, and procurement. It enables targeted outreach to key accounts open to tools, services, and partnerships centered around Illumina sequencing.